Good Morning AMY Parents and Guardians, I hope this message finds everyone doing well and that you had an enjoyable 3-day weekend. Just a few quick updates for this week. Students should be attending class everyday including today following their online schedule. We are going to run a raffle for a pair of air pods…
Good Afternoon AMY NW families, I hope you are all doing well. As I mentioned at the beginning of the week are posting the schedules for live instruction that begins on Monday, May 4th. There is a separate posting for each grade level. The expectation is that students follow their schedules daily Monday-Thursday. Friday, they…
Good Evening AMY Parents and Guardians, I hope this update finds everyone doing well and in good health. This week like last week teachers will have online assignments posted in their Google Classrooms. Next week starting Monday, May 4th, teachers will be sharing new learning and assignments with the students via google meets and their…
4/19/20 Good Evening AMY Families, I truly hope that everyone is doing well. Have you checked out the staff messages to the students? If not please go to the AMY home page to see the video, we truly miss our students and families. This week’s reminders include the following. First this week begins full online…
April 13, 2010 Good Morning AMY NW families. I hope that this note finds everyone safe and healthy. As you heard last week, Governor Wolf announced that all PA schools will be closed through the end of the 2019-2020 academic year. The primary focus of Leaders across the country, including our Governor, remains the health,…
A.M.Y. Northwest Middle School Digital Device Distribution Plan Chrome Book Distribution Details April 2nd and April 3rd Please read all information carefully so that we can keep you and our staff as safe as possible. A.M.Y. Northwest Families, We are excited to launch the Chromebook Loaner Program to ensure that all District students have access…
March 24, 2020 Dear Academy for Middle Years (A.M.Y.) Northwest families: I hope this note finds you well and managing through this unprecedented time. I wanted to send an update to the information that we posted last week, specifically about student work and the days and locations you can pick up leaning guides…
March 16, 2020 Dear Academy for Middle Years (A.M.Y.) Northwest families: Below please find resources for continued learning. The first link is to the district webpage. There you will be able to find learning guides that are separated by grade and subject area and aligned to state standards. These guides are also available in print…