AMY NW Chromebook Distribution Protocol

Posted on April 1, 2020
Categories: COVID 19

A.M.Y. Northwest Middle School Digital Device Distribution Plan

Chrome Book Distribution Details
April 2nd and April 3rd

Please read all information carefully so that we can keep you and our staff as safe as possible.

A.M.Y. Northwest Families,
We are excited to launch the Chromebook
Loaner Program to ensure that all District students
have access to online materials while schools are closed due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus)
pandemic. If your child does not have access to a device at home for learning, one can be
provided through this program. There is no cost for this program and no obligation to
participate. If you have not responded to the email send or remind messages asking who
needs a device please do so. We have counted devices based on the number of replies
that we have received, to be the most prepared please respond if you have not. All
devices must be returned once school reopen. If you are fortunate and have appropriate
computer and internet access at home for your child, we ask that you please reserve
the program for those who do not.
Maintaining the safety and well-being of our staff, students and families is a top priority. Please follow the instructions below to help maintain a safe environment while the devices are distributed:

●  In order to minimize the number of people on site, we ask that only the parent or legal guardian come to pick up the Chromebook. Children are advised, if possible, to stay at home.
●  Bring a form of photo ID to verify that you are the parent or legal guardian (government-issued ID, student ID, Work ID). We will not be able to release a Chromebook without proper ID.
●  If the parent/guardian is feeling sick, we ask that you stay home and send a healthy representative that is on your students emergency contact with your ID and theirs to your child’s school to pick up the device. Please call school to let us know who is coming to get the device in this scenario.
●  To help the process go quickly, please keep conversation with staff to a minimum.

Digital Device “Walk-Up” Distribution on Thursday, April 2nd and Friday, April 3rd (Directions Continued on the next page)
The A.M.Y Northwest technology device distribution program being hosted Thursday, April
2nd and Friday April 3rd, will be a “walk-up” service for parents/guardians. Please bring a
bookbag to carry the Chromebook(s) home.
Please note if you have more than one student, please pick one time that works best
for you and we will accommodate you in one visit.
Thursday, April 2nd

9:00am – 10:00 AM – 6TH Grade families Last names A-M
10:00AM -11:00-AM – 6th Grade families Last names N-Z

11:30AM – 1:00PM – 8th grade families Last names A-M 1:00OPM – 2:30PM – 8th grade families Last names N-Z

Friday April 3rd

9:30AM- 11:00AM – 7th grade families Last names A-M 11:00AM-12:30PM – 7th grade families Last names N-Z

Here’s how the distribution process will work: 1.

2. 3.

will present ID and be let in the building. 4.

name of the student(s) for whom you are pic 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.

the right.

Please take note and follow all signs, directions, and arrows
Please line up 7 feet apart from each other outside the front door on Gerhard
(Look for designated spots to stand X’s or inside the hula hoop spots.
Our School Police Officer will greet you when you reach the front of the line.
The School Police Officer will direct you to the main entrance area where you
A greeter from inside the school will ask you to show your photo ID and the
A greeter wearing protective gloves/mask will verify that you are the parent or
guardian and advise you to proceed up the steps to the chrome book sign out
There will be a table with the loaner agreement. You should sign one form if
you have more than one student please list each of them on the form.
A greeter wearing protective gloves/mask will come out to the table and ask you
to place the signed form in a box
You will then move to the Chromebook pick up table.
At the chrome book table please pick up your chrome book and exit the door on
king up the device.
Once again, as a reminder, this is a loaner program to ensure that students who do not
have a computer at home for learning will have access to one while schools are closed.
There is no cost for this program and no obligation to participate. All devices must be
returned at the conclusion of the school closure period.