Mrs. Floyds week one informational letter

Posted on March 14, 2020
Categories: COVID 19

March 16, 2020

Dear Academy for Middle Years (A.M.Y.) Northwest families:

Below please find resources for continued learning. The first link is to the district webpage. There you will be able to find learning guides that are separated by grade and subject area and aligned to state standards. These guides are also available in print at all 30 grab-and –go meal distribution sites beginning tomorrow, March 17th.  In addition to the packets, teachers will be posting assignments in their google classrooms for students to work on that are an extension of the work they were doing prior to school closing on Friday. All students can also access their Achieve 3000 and I-Ready accounts to complete online practice. All students should read 30-60 minutes each day, a book of their choice. Please keep a log of what you are reading each day.  There is also a list below of non-web based activities that the students can enjoy and explore. We know that not everyone will have access to the internet; please do what you can, some things can be accessed via the phone. Please reach out if you need any support,

Be safe and be well.

Jodan Floyd

District Learning Guides:

Printed Learning Guides: can be picked up at all 30 grab- and – go meal distribution sites beginning tomorrow, March 17th.  Site List:

Resources for Online Learning

A Parent’s Guide to Google Classroom

This quick guide can help you navigate Google Classroom

Khan Academy Daily Schedules & Resources

They’ve created grade specific schedules for you to use while you’re home and a great resource to review and practice any math concepts being worked on

PBS News Hour resources and lesson plans for 6-12

Teacher-produced resources and lesson plans to create your own packets for students.


20 learning activities for kids stuck at home

20 learning activities to keep kids busy


The Learning Network by the NY Times

Teaching and Learning With The New York Times


Scholastic Learn at Home

Every day includes four separate learning experiences, each built around a thrilling, meaningful story or video.


Virtual Museum Tours

Experience the best museums from London to Seoul in the comfort of your own home.


Greg Tang Math

Online games (“Games” tab) and printable activities (“Resources” tabs), as well as word problem generators


77 Simple STEM Activities

77 activities from @dailySTEM


Non-Web Based Activities to Enjoy

Encourage Daily reading (at least 30 -60 min a day)

Keep a Journal

Draw / Design / Create

Write a Song, Story, Poem, or Play

Learn to cook or bake something new

Teach the children how to do something new they may not know (sewing a button)

If you can use yard space, enjoy some fresh air

Spring Cleaning, daily chores

DIY Charades or Pictionary

Daily Reading Log Format (Can be written on loose leaf or typed and printed)

Number of Minutes Read
Title of Book / Author
Number of Pages Read
Summary of Reading